How to Keep the Garage in the Best Shape Possible

On January 31, 2023

While some homeowners use their garages frequently, others consider their parking spaces or solely utilize them for storage. Whatever the case, you’re likely in your garage less than the rest of the house, making garage maintenance easily forgettable. However, keeping your garage in the best possible shape is crucial.

The less attention you pay to your garage, the more issues you allow to build. After a while, the cleaning project will seem insurmountable. However, a few straightforward strategies can help keep your garage looking sharp.

From basic organization to garage concrete coatings, these tips will help ease the challenge of garage maintenance. For more information about upgrading your garage floor with a high-quality epoxy coating, call Premier Concrete Coatings today at 269-503-9315.

Check the Garage Door

It’s vital to pay attention to the moving parts of any room. In your garage, the moving parts are located within the garage door. The rollers, hinges, belt, pulley and cable, and other garage door components can stick, jam, creak, and damage over time.

Check your garage door and its parts routinely to ensure everything functions correctly. Some issues can be solved with lubricant, while others may require significant repairs. A working garage door helps the entire space operate as it should.

Protect the Walls

Your car’s doors or bumper, ladders, storage containers, and other fixtures can scratch your garage’s walls. While scratches won’t jeopardize the structural integrity of your garage, they do take away from its appearance. Rubber mats and pool noodles are a couple of solutions for protecting your walls from anything in your garage.

Keep Pests and Critters Out

The warmth of your garage is enticing to pests and critters, especially during the winter. Bees, ants, termites, squirrels, and raccoons are among the creatures that like to make a garage their home. If you spot any pests or critters in your garage, contact a professional exterminator and be sure to patch up any holes that may allow entrance.

Stay Organized

With storage, sporting equipment, and tools, it’s easy to make clutter in your garage. Aside from the unattractive appearance, a messy garage presents the risk of injury. The organization is, therefore, key to maintaining a safe and aesthetic garage.

Go through your garage and sort items into different categories. Use storage bins, shelves, and other structures to organize your garage. Labels can help ensure easier access.

Clean Up

Cleaning your garage is also crucial. Dust, debris, and bacteria accumulate in a garage and lead to allergies and illnesses, affecting the garage’s safety and appeal.

Once you’ve organized your garage, it becomes far simpler to keep it clean. Sweeping can get rid of most dirt and debris. Scrubbing with soap, water, and cleaners helps solve bacteria issues while restoring the appearance of your garage.

Install a Floor Coating

Consider installing a concrete coating if you want to maximize your garage in numerous ways. Garage floor epoxy coatings cover concrete surfaces, increasing your garage floor’s durability, longevity, appearance, safety, and ease of maintenance.

A coating may be the solution if your concrete floor has suffered any cracks or damages. Epoxy coatings are crack, scratch, and impact-resistant, helping your garage floor remain intact and appealing and last longer. Garage concrete coatings come in various colors, patterns, and finishes, providing a showroom look with customizability.

An epoxy coating will also make it easier to clean your garage floor. It keeps water on the surface so you can easily wipe it up, and deep cleaning requires only soap and water. Finally, a garage floor coating is slip-resistant, making your garage a safer space for any activity.

Garage Concrete Coatings in Southwest Michigan / Garage Concrete Coatings in Northern Indiana

Premier Concrete Coatings prides itself on helping clients maintain their garages as a family-owned and operated business. We provide professional garage concrete coatings in southwest Michigan and northern Indiana to keep your floor in the best possible condition. During our efficient and effective services, we use the #1 concrete coating products and processes in the industry to ensure quality results.

At Premier Concrete Coatings, we also provide a lifetime warranty floor our garage floor coatings. We’ll install your coating quickly and carefully, transforming your garage in no time. If you want to keep your garage in the best shape possible, garage concrete coating in northern Indiana and southwest Michigan can help.

Call Premier Concrete Coatings Today

Get a free quote on the best garage concrete coatings on the market today. Call Premier Concrete Coatings at 269-503-9315.

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